Thursday, November 19, 2009

23. Forrest Gump – CRITICS' RANKING: 9th. I SAY: Of the 90’s most-famous movies, this is one I feel obligated to include, even if it’s a kitchy nostalgia film, essentially a road trip through history, hiding a surprisingly reactionary message behind a politically correct outlay. When you take the movie apart, at first you think, in typical 90's fashion, all the white guys in the movie are evil except the physically handicapped guy and the mentally handicapped guy. But dig deeper and you see a movie harshly critical of the 60's, one that emphasizes simple faith, fidelity, and hard-work. So in the end, ideologues are left to wonder what they should think, whereas I think most normal people can just accept it as a sweet little collage of Americana, well-timed in coming out at the end of an era.

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