Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Today's Moment of Hilarious Racism

- Unnamed individual: "I hated Blood Diamond because it was a fake social issues movie. Everybody knows that diamonds come from Jews."

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Dietary Changes

So I decided to eat less, eat less fat, and eat more fiber for no particular reason. A few strange things happen besides the obvious (namely always being hungrier).

1) Taking a dump is a lot more of a workout. Before all that junk would race right through me. Now it feels like I'm voiding a boa constrictor.

2) I'm less excited to eat. I think this is the key to 'healthy' foods leading to weight loss. When you think about eating, you think, "well, I'm not missing much anyways.'

3) Good food starts tasting bad. I put some sprite in my mouth, it tasted nasty. What gives? Is there no going back to the days of yore when food tasted good?

4) All that stuff about more energy, feeling lighter, etc. Especially when I'm done taking a dump.