Sunday, March 26, 2006

Anderson Cooper Nobly Watches People Do Good Things

Ok, so our whipping boy took an extra day to find something to say. I started the post with "OK" because that's what Anderson did - I believe he actually ran a study and a focus group to determine that the best way to make it seem like a blog is to start with "OK".

The title is "Trading Beer Bongs for Sledgehammers". So I guess we know what Anderson was up to in college. Of course, it doesn't hurt that his mater familia already has a UNIVERSITY named after it. I would guess that Vanderbilt was a pretty safe safety school for Coop.

Anderson is trying to feed off the Katrina cache and self-congradulation that the media gave itself after Katrina, deeply worried about the lack of a rebuilding plan and discussing how often he visits the area. The excuse for this sordid back-slapping session is that Anderson is watching college students who have paid their way for a spring break spent tearing down Katrina-destroyed homes.

Of course, kudos to the young folks. Here's just a little thought for Coop though: if you've spent so much time in Katrina and are so personally moved by it...have you helped tear down a single house yet? Or do you just stand in front of the camera and then head down to Bourbon Street to relive your college days? Or maybe you could dip into that unimaginably large family fortune and do a little rebuilding of your own?

But that would violate media know, actually solving a problem instead of looking gravely into the camera and shaking your head at them.

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