Monday, April 29, 2013

The Otts: 2007 in film review

First of all, I blew it and forgot to include the internet meme 2004 “Bunker Scene” from Downfall. Throw it in the hopper.

Top Grossing
1.       Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End
2.       Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
3.       Spider-Man 3
4.       Shrek the Third
5.       Transformers
6.       Ratatouille
7.       I Am Legend
8.       The Simpsons Movie
9.       National Treasure: Book of Secrets
10.   300

Best Picture Award
No Country for Old Men
Michael Clayton
There Will Be Blood
Worst Nomination: Atonement. The English Patient Part 2. Second verse, same as the first. A little bit weirder and a little bit worse.

Most Overrated: 300. The 300 gets Thermopylae wrong by trivializing it in three unforgivable ways. One is to force Frank Miller’s contemporary politics onto the storyline, diluting the real battle’s power in favor of that tritest of all art forms, the political cartoon. He then goes on to erase some of the most famous Spartans from the battle, the ones about whom legends are told, in favor of completely invented characters of inferior narrative merit (Look up Dienekes and Eurytus for examples of who got cut). Worst of all is the concept of making the Spartans comic book heroes. By trivializing the warriors as superhuman, their sacrifice and courage is meaningless. Now we have to wait decades for someone to make a movie of the much superior novel, Gates of Fire.
Most Underrated (Then): Grindhouse: Deathproof. For reasons not entirely clear, two movies titled Grindhouse, from different directors, were released right on top of each other. Planet Terror is the bad one not directed by Quentin Tarantino which you’re probably more familiar with because it has a one-legged girl with a machine gun prosthetic. Deathproof is the really good one that is directed by Tarantino and that has Kurt Russell as the bad guy but no chick with an M4 leg. It seems the lesson is that no matter how cool the idea of having an assault rifle leg is, Tarantino > Robert Rodriguez when it comes to pulp movies.
Most Underrated (Now):  Michael Clayton. A half decade later, court room drama is an all but dead genre in film. Law & Order: Everywhere has apparently gainfully employed every lawyer-cum-writer. Which is too bad for the blandly titled Michael Clayton, which is the genre at its best.
Most Influential: 300. What the 300 did get right was the art direction, which is brilliant, and which has justly become the much-copied standard for epics.
Most representative of the decade: Superbad. What, are you trying to be an Irish R&B singer? Badabupbabaaaaaa. McLovin’ it.

Best Scene (Plus one):
The 300 – This. Is. Sparta.
The Bourne Ultimatum – I’m sitting in my office
The Great Debaters – The time for justice is always, is always now
Grindhouse: Deathproof – The lap dance
Once – The first duet
There Will Be Blood – I drink your milkshake

Winner: Wow is that a strong field. I’m going for an upset here – The Great Debaters. This scene always gets to me. Her cadence is pure MLK, his is pure Malcolm, and the way she draws Denzel in. Genius.

Top 10 Movies (plus one):
1.       Juno
2.       The Great Debaters
3.       Hot Fuzz
4.       There Will Be Blood
5.       Once
6.       Knocked Up
7.       No Country for Old Men
8.       Grindhouse: Death Proof
9.       Superbad
10.   Ratatouille
11.   The Bourne Ultimatum

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