Sunday, February 26, 2006

I'll take Business Ethics for 1000's front page story is the cover of Time magazine. That is, the stories are the same, but rather than use the same picture, which they both clearly have the rights to, CNN is actually advertising an affiliated magazine by making the top story a story another division wrote.

The whoring ABC/ESPN do for Disney has been bad enough, but CNN actually likes to carry on as if they had journalistic ethics. It's what keeps them going every week when the ratings come out - sure, we got killed by O'Reilly again, but at least we have our principles.

If I'm going to run a news outfit, and I have a choice of sins between partisan hackery and corporate whoring, am I wrong to think that partisan hackery is the morally superior choice?

No one complained when Katrina Vander Heuvel at The Nation made the same choice to save an American institution from bankruptcy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

o'reilly-ism is never morally superior

*the other j*